Memoirs launch at TamingSari Grand Ballroom, The Royale Chulan Kuala Lumpur. |
Malaysian Armed Forces Chinese Veterans Association (MACVA) successfully launched the Memoirs of the Malaysian Armed Forces Veterans (MoV), , a collection of personal accounts and experiences of Veterans that have served the King and country with honour and dedication. With more than 100 entries, the pages of the Memoirs traced back the history of Malaysia through the early years of formation of the country, the Emergencies and the Confrontation. Attended by more than 700 Veterans, VIPs, Guests, Gallantry Award Holders, Wounded War Veterans, spouses and friends; the grand dinner event aptly themed Honouring Veterans was held at the TamingSari Grand Ballroom, The Royale Chulan , Jalan Conlay, Kuala Lumpur on the evening of 7th March 2020.
Veterans and Guests at the waiting area of the TamingSari Gramd Ballroom.. |
Veterans and Guests began arriving at 5.30 pm where Registration counters were set up including a Press counter and a MoV Sale Stall where the Memoirs are available for purchase. Besides celebrating the event, Veterans were seen catching up with their old buddies and colleagues; displaying great comradeships and camaraderie’s despite their age. VIPs, Award Holders and Wounded War Veterans were among the many guests that graced the historical Memoirs launch event.
VIP Guests and Senior Officers attending the event were:-
Gen Tan Sri (Dr) Hashim bin Mohd Ali (Retired); Guest of Honour (GOH)
Gen Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Hj Affendi bin Buang RMAF; Chief of Defence Forces (CDF)
Maj Gen Datuk Mohd Zakaria bin Yadi; Army Chief of Staff
Rear Admiral Dato’ Zulhelmy bin Ithnain RMN; Assistant Chief of Staff – Development & Plan
Brig Jen Dato’ Johnny Loh Kok Kong RMAF; Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff – Development & Plan
Rear Admiral Tan Sri Dato’ Seri (Dr) K. Thanabalasingam (Retired)
Air Vice Marshal Tan Sri Dato’ Sulaiman bin Sujak (Retired)
Brig Gen Dr Leong Weng Foon (Retired)
Brig Gen Dato’ Mohamad Arshad Raji (Retired)
Lt Col Mazli bin Mohamed Sain @ Mohd Said; CO 1 RRR
Lt Col Dato’ Martin Kam Yoon Sang(Retired)
Mr Philip Mathews
Dr Ernest
Gallantry Award Holders - Seri Pahlawan Gagah Perkasa (SP), Panglima Gagah Berani (PGB) and Pingat Tentera Udara (PTU) Guests:-
LLt Gen Dato’ Seri Zaini bin Mohamad Said (Retired) SP
SUPT Datuk Paul Kiong Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) SP
SAC Datuk Leong Chee Who RMP PGB
Maj Gen Dato’ Abdullah Babu (Retired) PGB
Lt Col Robert Rizal bin Abdullah (Retired) PGB
Maj Lee Ah Pow (Retired) PGB
Maj Dato’ Sallehuddin bin Abd Mutalib (Retired) PGB
Maj Abd Aziz bin Abd Latif (Retired) PGB
Capt Panir Chellvum A/L Velaitham (Retired) PGB
2Lt David Fu Chee Ming (Retired) PGB
WO I Mohamad bin Baharom PGB
WO II Tachmi bin Ismail PGB
WO II Mahmor bin Said PGB
Sgt M Talib bin Tawal PGB
Lt Col Frank Chong Keng Lay RMAF (Retired) PTU
Lt Col Leong Pook Seong RMAF (Retired PTU
Capt Tien Seng An RMAF (Retired) PTU
Wounded War Veterans Guests:-
Maj Patrick Wong Sing Nang (Retired)
Maj Lee Hock Sun (Retired)
Capt Tong Lye Heng (Retired)
Capt Roslan bin Mohd Din (Retired)
WO I Patrick Lee Kai Tong RMAF
Sgt Azhar bin Yaacob
Sgt Ahmad Termizi bin Khalid
Sgt Hassanuddin bin Abd Karim
The Memoirs Launch Dinner Programme:-
6.30 PM Arrival of Guests
7.00 PM Arrival of VIPs
7.30 PM Ballroom Doors Open
7.45 PM VIPs enter Ballroom
7.50 PM Guest of Honour and Heroes enter Ballroom
7.55 PM Emcee welcome remark; Mr KT Pillai
8.00 PM Negara Ku and Inilah Barisan Kita
8.10 PM Welcome Speech by MACVA President Brig Gen Datuk Goh Seng Toh RMAF
8.20 PM Dinner
8.45 PM Speech by Memoirs Editor-In-Chief Lt Col Dr Liew Ngoh Chin (Retired)
8.55 PM Launch of Memoirs
9.05 PM Speech by Guest of Honour Gen Tan Sri (Dr) Hashim bin Mohd Ali (Retired)
9.10 PM Dinner Continue
10.30 PM Appreciation by Organising Chairman Maj Godfrey Chang (Retired)
10.35 PM Fellowship/Free n Easy
11.30 PM End of Event
By 6.30 PM, the Royale Chulan entrant and area leading to the Grand Ballroom was bursting with activities as Guests arrived and registered for the evening launched event. The early birds were rewarded with a copy of Ipoh Echo Issue 321 which features a Book Review of the Memoirs on page 14 written by Maj Godfrey Chang (Retired). VIPs and Heroes that arrived were ushered to their respective waiting room for light refreshment.
LtoR: Datuk Goh Seng Toh, GOH Tan Sri (Dr) Hashim Mohd Ali, Ong Yu Chai, Godfrey Chang. |
Gen Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Hj Affendi Buang TUDM with Tan Sri Dato’ Seri (Dr) K. Thanabalasingam. |
Maj Gen Datuk Mohd Zakaria Yadi with Wong Kwai Yinn. |
LtoR:Dato’ Martin Kam Yoon Sang, Datin Connie, Dato’ Sallehudin Mutalib PGB, Datin Zuraidah. |
LtoR:PW II Tachmi bin Ismail PGB, Dato’ Mohamad Arshad Raji, Chua Eng Lye. |
The evening proceedings continue with the Bag Pipers leading the Guest of Honour and Heroes into the Grand Ballroom. It was a wonderful sight to see the Heroes; some elderly in age; some with spouses walking into the ballroom to standing ovation where hundreds of Veterans, Guests and spouses stood up to warmly receive them. It is a small token of honour befitting their bravery shown and sacrifices given during their services to King and country. It was truly a historical moment to meet the many Heroes who are still with us. MACVA Veterans salute and honour them.
Bag Pipers leading the GOH and Heroes into the Grand Ballroom. |
Heroes enter the ballroom to a Standing Ovation and a Warm Welcome. |
After the Emcee welcoming speech; Veterans and Guests show their patriotism by standing to attention and sang Negara Ku. Veterans present reminiscences their days in service with the Malaysian Armed Forces and sang Inilah Barisan Kita.
Veterans and Guests stood in attention and sang Negara Ku. The Veterans also sang Inilah Barisan Kita. |
Gen Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Hj Affendi Buang TUDM Had a Word with Maj Patrick Wong Sing Nang (Retired) After the Maybank Video Clip About His Story. |
MACVA President Brig Gen Datuk Goh Seng Toh RMAF (Retired) was then invited to the stage to deliver his speech. He started by inviting all present to stand and observed a minute silence for our departed comrades. A seven course evening Dinner was sereved after his speech.
Datuk Goh Seng Toh Delivering his Speech. |
As the Dinner continues, it was the Memoirs Editor-In-Chief (EIC) Lt Col Dr Liew Ngoh Chin (Retired) turn to be invited to the stage to deliver his speech.
Dr Liew Ngoh Chin Delivering his Speech. |
The main event of the evening; the launching of the Memoirs then took place where the Heroes, and Wounded War Veterans were invited on stage. They were followed by MACVA President, the EIC and the Organising Committee Chairman (OCC) Maj Godfrey Chang (Retired) ushering both Tan Sri (Dr) Hashim Mohd Ali and Gen Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Hj Affendi Buang on stage. Two lions then took to floor for 8 minutes lion dance performance ending by delivering a copy of Memoirs to Tan Sri (Dr) Hashim signifying the launching of the Memoirs.
The Memoirs launch Lions dance performance. |
The Memoirs launch was followed by the GOH address.
GOH Delivering His Address at the Historical Launch Event accompanied by MACVA President (lef) and CDF (right). |
A Bird’s Eye View over the Tamingsari Grand Ballroom. |
Among the Spouses and Partner that Attended the Memoirs Launch Dinner. LtoR: Datin Boy, Catherine Chom, Datin Shirley Toh, Lynnette Lee, Rosalind Theresa Chang, Fasilah Hj Khalid. |
Dinner then continue until 10.30 pm when the OCC Godfrey Chang take to the stage and delivered his appreciation to the GOH, VIPs, Heroes and all present for their support in making the Memoirs launch event a huge success. MACVA Souvenir Bag was then presented. The fellowship continues until the end of event at 11.30 pm.
Datuk Goh Seng Toh presents MACVA Souvenir Bag to VIPs and Gallantry Award Holders.
GOH Tan Sri (Dr) Hashim bin Mohd Ali. |
CDF Gen Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Hj Affendi bin Buang TUDM. |
Lt Gen Dato’ Seri Zaini bin Mohamad Said (Retired) SP. |
SUPT Datuk Paul Kiong PDRM SP. |
SAC Datuk Leong Chee Who PDRM PGB. |
Lt Col Robert Rizal bin Abdullah (Retired) PGB. |
Maj Dato’ Sallehuddin bin Abd Mutalib (Retired) PGB. |
Maj Lee Ah Pow (Retired) PGB. |
Heroes Who Were Also Honoured at the Memoirs Launch Event.
Capt Panir Chellvum A/L Velaitham (Retired) PGB. |
2Lt David Fu Chee Ming (Retired) PGB. |
PW II Tachmi bin Ismail PGB. |
Sjn M Talib bin Tawal PGB . |
Lt Col Frank Chong Keng Lay TUDM (Retired) PTU. |
Lt Col Leong Pook Seong TUDM (Retired) PTU. |
Capt Tien Sen An TUDM (Retired) PTU. |
LtoR: PW I Mohamad bin Baharom PGB, PW II Mahmor bin Said PGB, Maj Abd Aziz bin Abd Latif (Retired) PGB, Deputy EIC Chua Eng Lye. |
Wounded War Veterans Who Were Honoured:-
Maj Patrick Wong Sing Nang (Retired). |
Capt Tong Lye Heng ((Retired); center. |
Maj Lee Hock Sun (Retired). |
PW I Patrick Lee Kai Tong TUDM. |
Capt Roslan bin Mohd Din (Retired). |
Sjn Azhar bin Yaacob. |
Sjn Ahmad Termizi bin Khalid. |
Sjn Hassanuddin bin Abd Karim. |
On behalf of MACVA and the Management Committee; MACVA President Datuk Goh Seng Toh would like to thanks and express his sincere gratitude to GOH Tan Sri (Dr) Hashim bin Mohd Ali; CDF Gen Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Hj Affendi bin Buang TUDM; VIPs, gallantry award holders, wounded war veterans, veterans, serving officers and servicemen, guests, friends and spouses for their present in making the Memoirs launch, a very successful MACVA event.
We would like to express our thanks and gratitude to the corporate and individual donors, and members of the following Veterans Associations for supporting the launch event.
Malaysian Armed Forces Indian Veterans Association (PERIM)
Malaysia Armed Forces Sikh Veterans Association (MAFSVA)
Persatuan OKU Veteran Perang Negri Perak
We would like to express our thanks and gratitude to:-
MayBank, Kuala Lumpur - Patrick Wong Sing Nang My Story Video
1st Royal Ranger Regiment, Kula Lumpur - Bag Pipers
Army Museum, Port Dickson - Enactors
Persatuan Seni & Kebudayaan Zhong Tang Miao San Yi, Kuala Lumpur - Lion Dance Troupe
The Royale Chulan, Kuala Lumpur - Event Venue
Sin Chew Daily and Sunda Mail - Launch event coverage
LtoR: SAC Datuk Leong Chee Who PDRM PGB, ACP Teo Leong Hock, Datuk Goh Seng Toh, Maj Gen Dato’ Abdullah Babu (Retired) PGB, Wong Ah Jit, Godfrey Chang. |
Event Pictures Group 1
Event Pictures Group 2
Event Launch Video
Lastly we would like to express our sincere gratitude to the OCC Godfrey Chang and his hard working committee members for successfully organising this historical MACVA launch event. Thank you to all MACVs and their spouses that make the journey from Klang Valley, Kuching, Penang, Butterworth, Ipoh, Lumut, Melaka and Johor Bahru to support the Memoirs launch event. BZ; Kudos and Well-done !!!
LtoR: Emcee KT Pillai, OCC Godfrey Chang, Event Coordinator Soon Tet Leong. |
Urshers: LtoR: Lim Cheng Huat, Wong Kwai Yinn, Dr Leong Weng Foon; far right Dato' Lee Kwang Lock. |
Registration Counter: LtoR : Seated; Carol Loo, Mary Koh Standing:Soon Tet Leong, Dr Liew Ngoh Chin, Ong Yu Chai. |
Far right:Mike Teoh Chong Kooi. |
Press: Lim Wai Fah and Ng Joo Chay. |
Utrsher:Peter Yeoh Choe Cheong. |
1 RRR Bag Pipers. |
Memoirs Sales Counter: Ong Yu Chai; WO 1 RSM Azmzn Talib, WO 1 RSM Saad Man, David Chow Yun Kai. |
Army Museum Enactors. |
LtoR: Tien Sen An, Carol Loo, Mary Koh, David Chow Yun Kai, Wong Ah Jit. |
Sky Chen Ka Kim with Persatuan Seni & Kebudayaan Zhong Tang Miao San Yi Lion Dance Troupe. |
Many thanks to Ong Yu Chai for photos job.
15 Mar 20
Wong Kwai Yinn
For MACVA Archives