Among Veteran organisations registered with Jabatan Hal Ehwal Veteran (JHEV), Kelab OKU Veteran Perang Negeri Perak (KVPNP) is unique. A multi-racial Veteran organisation, it was formed on 20 August 2009 and approved by ROS on 22 Jan 2010. Members carry personal disabilities as a result of injuries received while serving in the Malaysian Armed Forces. They are Veteran who are born and stay in Perak and those relocated from other states after retirement.
Its first Pengerusi was Capt Roslan bin Mohd Din (Retired) who led the group from 2009 to 2020. Majority of KVPNP members have served the Armed Forces during the Malayan Emergencies (1st Emergency 1948-1960; 2nd Emergency 1968-1989) and the Indonesia-Malaysia Confrontation (1963-1966).
The sacrifices of this Veteran OKU group must not be ignored or forgotten. Their contributions had helped paved the way towards a stable and peaceful country that we all enjoy today. Financial aids alone will not compensate them fully for all their sacrifices and losses, the nation’s continued recognition of their past services will play an important role in the efforts to bring them all back into the mainstream of our society again. We pray for their well being and hope that Government through JHEV will continue their noble efforts to assist them. An exclusive group their membership stand below 100 in June 2022.
27 Mar 2023
Wong Kwai Yinn
Recorded for MACVA Archives
MACVA Ipoh Chapter Invite Kelab OKU Veteran Perang Negeri Perang For CNY Gathering
1 Feb 23
Ipoh Chapter successfully held a CNY Gathering on 28 Jan 23 to welcome the 2023 Year of the Rabbit. The auspicious event were held at the residence of Tan See Kiat at Pasir Pinji, Ipoh. More 50 Veterans, families, guests and friends attended the joyous festive celebration.
Pengarah JHEV Perak, Timb Pengarah and their families were present. He wishes all MACVA members Kong Xi Fatt Chai and also brought along DG JHEV Mej Gen Zambery CNY Greeting Card to MACVA. Participants were served with delicious halal buffet of lemang, rendang, satay, mee goreng and kuih muih. The following Veteran groups were present:-
Kelab OKU Veteran Perang Negeri Perang Perak;
Kelab Veteran Kommado Malaysias;
PVATM Cawangan Bercham, Ipoh, Perak;
MACVs from Kuala Lumpur and Butterworth who were in Ipoh to attend the CNY Foodfare also joined in. It was wonderfully to see all the Veterans meeting and catching up with each others talking about their time together while in service. It is truly a Perpaduan Event where among the presents were Malay, Chinese, Indian and Iban Veterans. An occasion of comradeship and camaraderie among Malaysian Veterans amidst the festive CNY celebrations.
We would also like to express our sincere appreciation to
Pengarah JHEV Perak Mej Izhar Hayatul Israq for joining us. Ipoh Chapter would like to register its sincere thanks to Tan See Kiat and his organising team for a wonderful job. Well done to all present at the event.
Memoirs launch at TamingSari Grand Ballroom, The Royale Chulan Kuala Lumpur. |
MACVA Invite Members of Kelab OKU Veteran Perang Negeri Perak to "Memoirs Of The Malaysian Armed Forces Veterans (MoV)” Launch At The Royale Chulan, Jalan Conlay, Kuala Lumpur On 7th March 2020
3 May 20
MACVA successfully launched the "Memoirs of the Malaysian Armed Forces Veterans (MoV)"; a collection of personal accounts and experiences of Veterans that have served the King and country with honour and dedication. With more than 100 entries, the pages of the Memoirs traced back the history of Malaysia through the early years of formation of the country, the Emergencies and the Confrontation.
Attended by more than 700 Veterans, VIPs, Guests, Gallantry Award Holders, Wounded War Veterans, spouses and friends; the grand dinner event aptly themed Honouring Veterans was held at the TamingSari Grand Ballroom, The Royale Chulan , Jalan Conlay, Kuala Lumpur on the evening of 7th March 2020. Under the categories of wounded Veteran in service, MACVA on this special occasion honour and invited members of Kelab OKU Veteran Perang Negeri Perak to the event. They are Capt Roslan bin Mohd Din, Azhar bin Yaacob, Sgt Ahmad Termizi bin Khalid and Sgt Hassanuddin bin Abd Karim
Capt Roslan bin Mohd Din (Retired). |
Sjn Azhar bin Yaacob. |
Sjn Ahmad Termizi bin Khalid. |
Sjn Hassanuddin bin Abd Karim. |
We expressed our sincere gratitude for their presents; their services to the Malaysian Armed Forces and contributions to the
defend of our country.
Group Photo of MACVA with Kelab OKU Veteran Perang Negeri Perak at Hotel Seri Malaysia Ipoh. |
MACVA Host Lunch Reception for Members of Kelab OKU Veteran Perang Negeri Perak
12 Dec 19
Malaysian Armed Forces Chinese Veterans Association (MACVA) recently hosted a
Buffet Lunch Reception for members of Kelab OKU Veteran Perang Negeri Perak.
The event took place at the Cafeteria of Hotel Seri Malaysia located at Jalan Sturrock, Off Jalan Tambun, Ipoh on Saturday, 7th December 2019.
The programme of the reception:-
11.00 am - 12.00 pm Guests Arrival.
12.00 pm - 12.05 pm Ipoh Chapter Welcome Address, Maj Wong Kwai Yinn (Rtd).
12.05 pm - 12.10 pm President MACVA Speech, Brig Gen Datuk Goh Seng Toh RMAF (Rtd).
12.10 pm - 12.15 pm President Kelab OKU Speech, Capt Roslan bin Md Din (Rtd).
12.15 pm - 12.20 pm Presentation of Memento and Memoir of the Malaysian Armed Forces Veterans.
12.20 pm - 12.30 pm Group Photo.
12.30 pm - 13.50 pm Lunch Reception.
13.50 pm - 14.00 pm Presentation of gifts bag to OKU Veterans.
14.00 pm - End of Lunch.
President MACVA Datuk Goh Seng Toh giving his speech. |
Ipoh Chapter Wong Kwai Yinn giving his welcome address. |
Datuk Goh presenting "Memoir of the Malaysian Armed Forces Veterans" to Roslan bin Md Din. |
The main objective of this event is to honour members of Kelab OKU Veterans and at the same time foster closer relationships amongst all Veterans Associations that are already registered with Jabatan Hal Ehwal Veteran (JHEV). We also wish to express our sincere gratitude towards JHEV for affording and facilitating in the recovery and rehabilitation of our wounded Veterans. In total, 50 Veterans, some with spouses including 14 members of the Kelab OKU attended the noon event.
VP RMN Dato' Lee Kwang Lock (standing far right) with OKU Veterans. |
VP Army David Chow (standing 3rd from right) with OKU Veterans. |
Nasi Briyani buffet lunch. |
OKU Veterans enjoying the delicious lunch serving. |
The majority of OKU Veterans have served the Armed Forces during the Malayan Emergencies (1st Emergency 1948-1960; 2nd Emergency 1968-1989) and the Indonesia-Malaysia Confrontation (1963-1966). They all carry personal disabilities as a result of injuries received while serving our nation in times of her needs. This Veterans Associations is multi-racial and should remain so as it is part and parcel of the Malaysian Armed Forces.
Datuk Goh presenting gifts bag to Hassannudin bin Abdul Karim.. |
Datuk Goh presenting gifts bag to Che Wail bin Ibrahim. |
Datuk Goh presenting gifts bag to Jalil bin Sahli. |
Datuk Goh presenting gifts bag to Selvakumar al Saimo. |
The plights and the sacrifices of the OKU Veterans must not be ignored or forgotten, after all, their contributions had helped paved the way towards a stable and peaceful country that we all enjoy today. Financial aids alone will not compensate them fully for all their sacrifices and losses, the nation’s continued recognition of their past services will play an important role in the efforts to bring them all back into the mainstream of our society again. We pray for their well being and hope that Government through JHEV will continue their noble efforts to assist them in every way possible.
Datuk Goh Seng Toh with Ipoh Echo reporter Ms Mei Kuan.. |
It is MACVA objective to foster and strengthen comradeship, solidarity and harmony among Veterans. This event shows the close comradeship and camaraderie among Veterans despite being ethically different. It is a testimony to all Malaysians that we can truly live in harmony in our beloved country by accepting and embracing the differences among us. Ipoh Chapter in organising this event would like to express its sincere gratitude to Ho Weng Kong, Tan See Kiat and Ipoh MACVs for their generous donations. We would also like to say thank you to Ipoh Echo for covering this event and highlight Veterans acctivities.